Thursday, February 10, 2011

Electric CatFish

Malapterurus Electricus
Malapteruridae is the only group of catfish with a well-developed electrogenic organ; however, electroreceptive systems are widespread in catfishes.The electrogenic organ is derived from anterior body musculature and lines the body cavity. Electric catfish do not have dorsal fins or fin spines. They have three pairs of barbels (the nasal pair is absent). The swim bladder with elongate posterior chambers, two chambers in Malapterrus and three in Paradoxoglanis.They can grow as large as 100 centimetres  and about 20 kilograms (44 lb) in weight.All Paradoxoglanis species are much smaller. Most malapterurids are dwarf species less than 30 cm (12 inches) long.

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