Saturday, February 12, 2011

Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog is a medium-sized, short-coated dog that occurs in two main colour forms. The dogs have either brown or black hair distributed fairly evenly through a white coat, which gives the appearance of red or blue dogs.They have been nicknamed “Red Heelers” and “Blue Heelers” on the basis of this colouring and their practice of moving reluctant cattle by nipping at their heels. Dogs from a line bred in Queensland, Australia, which were successful at shows and at stud in the 1940s were called “Queensland Heelers” to differentiate them from lines bred in New South Wales, and this nickname is now occasionally applied to any Australian Cattle Dog.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sea Bass Fish

Sea bass are rather perchlike fish. The more or less elongated body has small scales, the mouth is large, and the tail is generally straight-edged or rounded. The dorsal fin, a diagnostic feature, consists of a forward, spiny section and a hinder, soft-rayed section; the two portions are usually joined but may be separated by a notch.Sea bass are carnivorous, feeding on fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and other invertebrates. Some are active swimmers; others, such as the groupers, are more sedentary. Certain species, such as the belted sandfish (Serranellus subligarius) of Florida, are hermaphroditic (male and female reproductive organs in one animal). Others, such as the groupers, may mature as one sex and later change to the other.
Sea basses vary widely in size, from a few centimetres to a maximum of 2 metres (6 feet) and 225 kg (500 pounds) in such species as the goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara) and 2.7 metres (9 feet) and 400 kg (900 pounds) in the giant grouper (E. lanceolatus). Colour also varies, both among and within species. Some sea basses, for example, are able to change to any of several colour patterns. In other species the young may be patterned differently from the adults, and in still others individuals inhabiting deeper waters may be considerably redder than those of the same species living near shore.

Electric CatFish

Malapterurus Electricus
Malapteruridae is the only group of catfish with a well-developed electrogenic organ; however, electroreceptive systems are widespread in catfishes.The electrogenic organ is derived from anterior body musculature and lines the body cavity. Electric catfish do not have dorsal fins or fin spines. They have three pairs of barbels (the nasal pair is absent). The swim bladder with elongate posterior chambers, two chambers in Malapterrus and three in Paradoxoglanis.They can grow as large as 100 centimetres  and about 20 kilograms (44 lb) in weight.All Paradoxoglanis species are much smaller. Most malapterurids are dwarf species less than 30 cm (12 inches) long.

Sword Fish

Physical description:

Swordfish are large, agressive fish (up to 14 feet long and a weight of 1,200 pounds) with rounded bodies and long flattened snouts. The scientific name comes from the Greek and Latin words meaning "sword". They have been reported to attack men, boats, whales and submersibles. Identifying characteristics are the lack of pelvic fins and gill rakers, and the presence of a single lateral keel located on each side of the caudal peduncle. Marlins, spearfish and sailfish have two keels. Swordfish are brownish-black on the back and upper sides, fading to a pale brown on the lower sides and belly.

Biological description:

Swordfish are the most widely distributed billfish, occurring worldwide in all temperate, subtropical and tropical seas. Spawning takes place in tropical waters when fish are 5 to 6 years old or older. Females grow faster, larger and live longer than males. Swordfish are opportunistic feeders that forage from the bottom to the surface over great depths and distances on mackerel, squid barracuda, redfish and filefish.

Sea Robin Fish

  Sea Robin Fish

The large head, tapering body, and fanlike pectoral fins of the sea robin somewhat suggest a sculpin. But the robin is distinguished from all the sculpins by the incasement of its entire head in bony plates; by its smaller mouth; by the flat depressed dorsal profile of its snout; by its large ventral fins; and by the fact that the three lower rays of each of its pectoral fins are separate from the rest of the fin and modified into three independent feelers with slightly dilated tips, a very noticeable and distinctive feature. Furthermore, the front margin of the upper jaw is concave in outline when viewed from above, not convex as it is in most other fishes, which gives the nose of the robin a characteristic aspect. The head plates are rough and there is one sharp spine on each cheek at the angle of the gill cover; two short spines over each eye pointing backward; a spine on either side of the neck; and one on each shoulder above the base of the pectoral fin. The spiny and soft-rayed portions of the dorsal fin are separate, but they are so close together at their bases that they are almost in contact. The spiny dorsal has 10 spines, is rounded in outline, and higher than the soft dorsal (13 rays); but the soft dorsal is considerably longer than the spiny dorsal.

American Shad Fish

   American Shad Fish

Description: color of back green or greenish blue with silvery sides, white underneath (colors darken when fish enters fresh water to spawn); belly with scutes forming distinct keel; one or more dark spots in a row behind operculum; lower jaw with pointed tip that fits into v-shaped notch in upper jaw.

Burmilla Cat

Burmilla Cat

The Burmilla is a beautiful cat of medium foreign  type, showing striking contrast between coloured Shading/Tipping and Silver undercoat with delicate tracings of Tabby markings on the head, legs and tail.  There should be a distinctive M mark on the forehead.The Burmilla's eyes are the stunning feature of this cat. They can be any shade of green with dark penciling on the lids which makes it look like the cat is wearing eyeliner.The Burmilla come in 5 colours Chocolate, Brown, Blue, Lilac and Black The coat is either shaded or tipped and all have a silver white undercoat.

Birman Cat

The Birman cat is gaining in popularity from year to year as more people are introduced to this exceedingly beautiful cat. Their popularity is of course only partly due to their beauty and the variety of colour points that can be found. They are exceptional companions and ideally suited to indoor living. They also satisfy the desire to own a long haired cat but without the continual grooming of such breeds as Persians. However it is their personality that makes them such a treasured addition to a family.

Balinese Cat

Balinese Cat

Body:Medium size, slender and long, with long legs and tail Coat:Medium-Long and silky, in all color points accepted for Siamese. Each registry varies in its standards.
Extra:The Balinese is believed to have originated from a spontaneous genetic mutation of the Siamese, as opposed to selective breeding.

American Bobtail Cat

American Bobtail Cat

The American Bobtail is a sturdy, rugged-looking breed, fitting to its heritage of survival in a feral environment. Physically, the American Bobtail is a medium to large cat, with either short dense coat or a longer, shaggy-appearing coat. American Bobtails come in all colors and patterns, however since breeding to other recognized breeds are not allowed, "points" would not normally appear. Male American Bobtails can easily surpass 15 pounds, and females are somewhat smaller.

American Curl

American Curl

The American Curl is a breed of cat that wraps itself around your heart. If they could curl up inside you and stay there they would. Such a loving breed of cat. They come from domestic street cats and the breed was discovered in 1981 in California. They have come a long way and have been modified from large to semi foreign type.  They come in all colors. They get their name because of their ears. They curl back toward the base of the skull. The curl can vary from first degree to 3rd degree which is the preferred. They are a very elegant breed and are very curious and their ears make them

Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vulture

  • Large soaring bird.
  • Long wings and tail.
  • Body feathers entirely blackish-brown.
  • Red head mostly unfeathered.
Although it has an ugly, bare-skinned face, the Turkey Vulture is beautiful on the wing. Seldom does this graceful and talented bird flap its wings as it soars over large areas searching for carrion.

Nothern Cardinal

Nothern Cardinal
A distinctive songbird of arid scrublands, the Pyrrhuloxia lives in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. A thick-billed, reddish bird with a crest, it superficially resembles its close relative, the Northern Cardinal.

Common Yellowthroat

Back, wings and tail plain olive. Chin, throat, and upper chest bright yellow. Belly whitish. Dusky flanks. Bright yellow undertail coverts. Broad black mask extending from side of neck through the auricular area and from the eye to the forehead. Whitish to grayish line above black mask separating it from the olive crown.

Barn Swallow

A familiar inhabitant of barns and other outbuildings, the Barn Swallow is easily recognized by its long forked tail. It was originally a cave breeder, but now the swallow nests almost exclusively on man-made structures.

American Robin Bird

The quintessential early bird, American Robins are common sights on lawns across North America, where you often see them tugging earthworms out of the ground. Robins are popular birds for their warm orange breast, cheery song, and early appearance at the end of winter. Though they’re familiar town and city birds, American Robins are at home in wilder areas, too, including mountain forests and Alaskan wilderness.

American Fuzzy Lops Rabbit

American Fuzzy Lops

The American Fuzzy Lops generally have wonderful personalities and like many of the lop rabbits, they love to be cuddled! They have wonderful personalities and are also great for showing. They are furry and cute and can be very loving and affectionate.

Havana Rabbit

Havana Rabbit are calm and very laid back. These sweet tempered bunnies will quickly bond with their owners. They enjoy receiving attention and affection.Being on the smaller side of the medium sized rabbits, the quiet Havana rabbits need a minimal amount of space and they don't eat as much as the larger rabbits.

Dwarf Hotot

Dwarf Hotot (pronounced "Oh-Toe" or sometimes "Hoe-Toe") Rabbit is also known as the "Eyes of the Fancy". These little rabbits are bound to catch not only the eyes of onlookers, but also their hearts. Though they are mostly all white, the thin band of black fur around their eyes give them a distinct, unique appearance. Their small size adds to their charm and practicality. They require a smaller living area than other rabbits, and are easily held in one's hand.

Dutch Rabbits

The baby Dutch Rabbits pictured above are about four weeks old. They are still very small and even as adults they will stay small. The Dutch Rabbit is not a "dwarf" but it is a very small rabbit. Probably the most recognizable of the small breed rabbits because of its distinct markings. It is an excellent all around pet as well as a good choice for showing. Their easy going personality and their small size makes them easy to house.

Angora Rabbit

"...Angoras will shed about every four months or so. The wool can be gathered either by shearing it or pulling it out by hand. Although earlier in this century Angora wool was in high demand, nowadays it is considered a cottage industry which supplies wool mainly for hand spinning."

My Self Pictures and My friends!!!!

This is my first picture this year 2011.My new year picture with my baby and Frenzylle Zyra. We have a lots of games and party-party there...

My Friends...!!

This picture is our 1ST SEMESTER examination and before our exam,while we are waiting our time to take the exam. Miss Joverlyn Villanueva our classmate fixed my hair. Because I want my hair always in good look. Especially I don't have money to go in Hair Salon.

Its me and Cheirry Maye

This picture is in the house of my neighbor. I spend their house always in the afternoon time. This is the time that my vacant time. I like to take a picture of this room so that I have remembrance of their house.

My Classmates ACD

This picture is our recollection here in the Assumption College of Davao in first semester. We love this picture. My most unforgettable experience in our recollection. I miss the time that we share our feelings. We miss each other about this picture. The color of my blouse is pink and that's me..

Friday, February 4, 2011

"My Beautiful Classmates In ACD"

We take this picture there in the canteen while we are still preparing our dance presentation last intramural.And while we still waiting the time. Ruby Diango,Ate Mhar's, Diosy  Bragas,Charice Magdoboy, Diosy Bragas,Rena Pagpagon,Melody Baclayo, and Letecia Danaguil want to have picture as a remembrance.